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Earthquake Safety Information


Earthquake Preparedness: Essential Steps to Stay Safe

What to Do During an Earthquake

If an earthquake strikes, it's crucial to stay calm and follow these safety measures:

  • Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy table or desk, and hold on until the shaking stops.
  • Stay Inside: If you are inside a building, stay inside. Do not run outside, as falling debris can be dangerous.

Strengthening Your Home for Earthquakes

To minimize damage during an earthquake, consider these home reinforcement measures:

  • Secure Heavy Objects: Secure heavy appliances, bookcases, and other objects that could fall and cause injury.
  • Reinforce Windows: Install safety glass or window film to prevent shattered glass from causing harm.
  • Strengthen Foundations: Consult a structural engineer to assess and reinforce your home's foundation if necessary.

